Lecture Slides for the Case Study 3 / Homework 3  can be found here chp4

This study allows us to revisit/renew 

  1. Applied probability modeling through homogeneous Poisson process
  2. New scientific discoveries between “modeling no clusters” and matching/comparing that with the observed data
  3. Maxim Likelihood Estimator and its properties
  4. Chi-squared tests for finding “unusual” cluster
  5. Hypothesis testing and its properties

Original data discussed extensively during the lecture can be downloaded from hcmv-263hxkx

Additionally, if you are interested you can check the following engaging dataset related to human CMV found @ http://datadryad.org/resource/doi:10.5061/dryad.d1k17?show=full

Lastly, for those of you interested in current applications of palindromes please visit the following open GEO GSE43679 dataset https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE43679.The dataset relates palindrome to the study of breast cancer in humans and contains 4 types of cell types. and over million observations per cell type. We have downloaded the data for you: GSE43679_series_matrix.txt(zip).This data and analysis linking the data with palindromes and new discoveries were published in the following paper PAPER

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